Monthly Archives: November 2023

Rereading Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink

(You can read this episode here.)

On this episode, Deborah and Mary Grace read Carol Ryrie Brink’s 1935 Newbery Medal winner Caddie Woodlawn, which is based on Brink’s grandmother’s childhood adventures on the Wisconsin frontier.

Here’s the cover from the original edition, illustrated by Kate Seredy:

Mentioned on this episode:

Caddie Woodlawn’s Family by Carol Ryrie Brink (previously titled Magical Melons) (1939)

Two Are Better Than One by Carol Ryrie Brink (1968)

Louly by Carol Ryrie Brink (1974)

Mary Grace mentioned what she thought were two different blog posts on a website about portrayals of American Indians in children’s books. Actually, it was just one post, here.

The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich (1999)

The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder

The podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout at and is available on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and other podcast platforms. You can listen to it on Buzzsprout here.

You can find Debby’s author interviews on her blog, Books Q&A by Deborah Kalb, and Mary Grace’s adventures in the 1920s on her blog, My Life 100 Years Ago.

This episode was edited by Adam Linder of Bespoken Podcasting.

Rereading Freaky Friday by Mary Rodgers

(You can listen to this episode here.)

In this episode, Mary Grace and Deborah reread one of their childhood favorites, Mary Rodgers’ 1972 mother-daughter body-switching story Freaky Friday. They also discuss Rodger’s posthumous 2022 memoir Shy, which was a New York Times Notable Book.

Here’s the original Edward Gorey cover:

And the cover for the sequel, A Billion for Boris:

The cover of the paperback edition Mary Grace read, which left her longing for her 1970s copy, turns out to be nowhere to be found on the internet.

Mentioned in this episode:

The intro to the PBS show Mystery!, with animation based on illustrations by Edward Gorey.

Summer Switch by Mary Rodgers, in which Ape Face and his dad switch bodies, with less-than-hilarious results.

Freaky Monday, a supposedly co-authored by actually more like licensed 2009 addition to the franchise.

The 1976 movie starring Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster.

The 2003 movie starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan.

Vice Versa, F. Anstey’s 1882 novel about a British man who switches bodies with his son.

The podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout at and is available on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and other podcast platforms. You can listen to it on Buzzsprout here.

You can find Debby’s author interviews on her blog, Books Q&A by Deborah Kalb, and Mary Grace’s adventures in the 1920s on her blog, My Life 100 Years Ago.

This episode was edited by Adam Linder of Bespoken Podcasting.